Monday, January 23, 2006

New Flies for 2006

I've been busy with several new design ideas, and thought I would post the latest flies that will be offered in 2006.
There are now 3 different flies that can be tied from the same pre-cut foam!
1. The Gurgler
2. The Haskin Neutralizer
3. The Haskin Slide-Ball slider

Also, there is now a tan foam available, which produces an incredible shrimp imitation. I am tying this pattern in a #6 size, which is the smallest
Neutralizer size I can tie.

The new "Bullhead" pattern has been incredible this winter, at San Luis Res. There were a number of design issues associated with this pattern, but finally it is complete, AND it is catching a lot of striped bass!

Have a great season, in 2006, everyone!