Friday, July 05, 2024

Ascension Bay 2024

              I received a call mid-week, before I was to fly out to Mexico.  The weather had been horrible for 2 weeks, and our upcoming week was forecast to be the same.  I was given the option to cancel, but since my flight was booked anyway, my partner, Chris Dodge, and I, decided to go.  

It turned out that several people did cancel, but ultimately, 8 of us arrived in Punta Allen, hopeful that the weather would give us an opportunity to fish.

The last 3 years have been very unusual for Punta Allen.  Large migratory tarpon have made an appearance, for some unknown reason, and have decided to migrate inside the reef, giving flats fishermen a solid chance to see, and possibly catch, tarpon over 100 lbs.!

I have fished Ascension Bay several times, over the years, but permit have always been the species of most interest and availability.  However, with adult tarpon prowling the flats, they became the focus for our group, and we were armed with 11 and 12 wt rods, large "snake" flies, and stout 80 lb. leaders.  I never touched my permit rod, or bonefish rod, the entire week.

Flats fishing, is sight fishing, and the sun is vital to seeing fish.
Our week was a mix of sun and clouds, but enough sun to spot fish, and feed them with big flies, tied on big 2/0 and 3/0 hooks.

My new "Snake Series" flies for big tarpon.

My first fish came to a red and chartreuse "Snake" fly, and a few minutes later a bright, 60 lb. tarpon was along side.

Fighting these big fish requires maximum pressure, with the rod low, and with little flex.  A high quality reel, with a strong drag, and plenty of backing, is mandatory, to tire these powerful fish and get them back in the water.

Another medium size tarpon, 
around 50 lbs.

The second day out I was fortunate to hook and land this huge      130 lb. female.  My guides, Tino and Jerry were thrilled to have a fish over 100 lbs. "in the books".  I mention the guides because they are a vital link to a catch like this!
Although my partner, Chris Dodge, had "jumped" a number of tarpon, he was not been able to stay connected to a fish all week... ...that was about to change.

Chris with very nice 75 lb. tarpon!

Yep, the hits just keep on coming!

Chris leaning on a big tarpon!

Our last day Chris was tight on a big female, and this tarpon would not jump!  This translated to a strong fish that would be able to fight for a long time.  1 hour and 20 minutes later, our guide Nestor and Alex had their hands on Chris' big 130 lb. female tarpon!  Great effort and teamwork paid off big time for Chris!
This fish came on the afternoon of our last day, with massive black clouds pressing in.  The bad weather predicted all week, was finally upon us, and although we headed in with rain blasting us, but our successful week was complete!!


Many Thanks to Lilly and Jose, of Kay Fly Fishing Lodge, for hosting a great week of excellent food, and accommodation.  
Also, thanks to Doug Behrman for inviting me to be a part of his group, and incredible tarpon fishing!
Finally, thanks to Chris Dodge for putting up with me, and being a great partner!
